Sustainable Palo Santo Travel Smudging Kit

Sustainable Palo Santo Travel Smudging Kit



  • A bountiful case of sweet-smelling, earthy Palo Santo, with 4” wands.
  • Keep the vibes impeccable and also charcoal off your clothes anywhere you go with the handy, durable cylinder box.
  • Sufficient for 100-200 smudges, or a year’s supply.
  • Sustainably-harvested in Ecuador by gathering fallen logs. Our partner organization has planted over 50,000 Palo Santo saplings.
  • Reusable case keeps ingredients protected and tidy.
  • Your purchase directly supports the restoration of sacred Palo Santo forests!
  • ""Smudging"" with Palo Santo is performed by briefly lighting the end, then allowing it to burn out and exude smoke like incense, which can be gently waved throughout a space.  Pair this with tuning in to the calming and cleansing aroma, while focusing on cleansing energy. 


  • Seventeen 4” wands of sustainable palo santo wood.
  • Reusable, recyclable case with recycled content.